
Aug 14, 2024 I am co-organizing a session at IMS-Bernoulli on the `Frontiers of Adaptive Experimentation’. The speakers will be Dean Foster, Maria Dimakopolou, Koulik Khamaru, and myself!
Aug 09, 2024 Co-organizing workshop on Deployable RL: From Research to Practice at RLC! Please come by!!
Aug 08, 2024 I will be speaking at JSM in the session on Statistical Challenges and New Directions for Adaptive Experimentation organized by Aaditya Ramdas! I will also chair the session on New Methods in Causal Inference and Reinforcement Learning for Personalized Decision-Making!
May 11, 2024 I attended the ICLR workshop on Generative Models for Decision Making and presented our new work on Posterior Sampling via Autoregressive Generation!
Aug 06, 2023 Speaking at the session on Integrating Algorithms and Analysis for Adaptively Randomized Experiments at JSM in Toronto. The session is organized by John Langford, Sofia Villar, Aaditya Ramdas, Joseph Jay Williams, and Tong Li.
Jul 28, 2023 I was interviewed as a part of the Harvard Women in Statistics and Data Science Series!
Apr 28, 2023 I defended my thesis on Statistical Inference for Adaptive Experimentation. My slides are here. My thesis committee members were Susan Murphy, Lucas Janson, Milind Tambe, and Jonas Oddur Jonasson.
Jun 28, 2022 I organized an invited session at the 2022 Institute of Mathematical Statistics Annual Meeting on “Inference Methods for Adaptively Collected Data”. The speakers will be Nathan Kallus, Koulik Khamaru, Evan Munro, and myself! Joseph Jay Williams and Nina Deliu will chair the session.